Singing Guide: Pee Wee King

Singing Guide: Pee Wee King

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Pee Wee King was an American country music songwriter and performer, best known for co-writing the classic tune "The Tennessee Waltz." Pee Wee King's unique style featured a blend of country, swing, and jazz music, and he became known for his unforgettable performance style that paired innovative instrumental breaks with soulful lyrics.

If you're interested in learning to sing like Pee Wee King, here are some tips to get you started:

  • First, it's important to develop an understanding of your own voice and how to use it to the best of its ability.
  • Singing Carrots offers an insightful article on how to analyze your voice which can help you gain an understanding of your vocal range and unique characteristics.
  • Once you've established your vocal range, it's time to start honing your vocal technique and Singing Carrots can help! Check out articles about breathing basics, voice registers and vocal breaks, and breath support and respiration.
  • To sing like Pee Wee King, it's also crucial to open your mouth and throat while singing. Learn more about it from this article by Singing Carrots: why to open mouth and throat while singing.
  • Pee Wee King's unique style was characterized by his ability to incorporate various vocal techniques into his performances, whether it be growling, belting, or using vibrato. Check out Singing Carrots articles and videos on techniques such as Twang, Growling, vocal distortion and growling, and singing with vibrato.
  • To fully master Pee Wee King's style, it's important to have a firm understanding of the songs that showcase his unique technique. Singing Carrots's song search can help with finding country songs that fit your vocal range and genre preference.
  • Additionally, if you're looking to make a setlist for performance, consider using Singing Carrots's song-book, which conveniently provides lyrics, sheet music, chords, karaoke, and YouTube audio for each song.

With dedication and practice, you too can learn to sing like Pee Wee King.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.